Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 7 in Baie-Comeau

Old Convent, now a Care Home

Mini Golf was invented here!
View of the Bay
Lovely sling. Hair by Brent. Quite the escapade, as he has never put anything in a ponytail before. I thought one time I was going to have to walk around with his hand stuck in my hair!
The one street in Baie -Comeau I have been able to see so far

Yes, we have been here a full week now. When we stayed an extra day a week ago due to the weather, we never imagined that we would be extending our stay this long. Baie-Comeau, at first impression is a "Power" town, as you drive into the city, all you see is large power structures, with huge lines running through the town and into the forest. I guess it is due to the 5 large power dams in the area, Manic 5 being the largest. We finally found the quaint waterfront area, which looks to be recently redone, but it is beside the large pulp and paper mill, which kind of wrecks the view. Fortunately, there is no strong smell from the mill. The quaint waterfront area consists of one street, anchored at one end by an interesting fountain that kids can play in, where water shoots up from different holes at random intervals. The other end of the road leads into a big park area, with trails, a small duck pond, a children's' play area and a view of the Bay. This is the town where Brian Mulroney was born, and is also the town where Mini Golf was invented. I think the later holds more pride for the town, as we couldn't find any information on the Prime Minister in the town.
All week, I have only been able to manage to walk to the end of the block and back, and, frankly, as of yesterday, was starting to go a bit squirley. I managed to get to the park yesterday afternoon, and do some leg workouts, which helped mentally, but zonked me out for a couple of hours afterwards. The shoulder isn't causing much pain, but I have had pain in my abdominal muscles, which I think were stretched a bit in the fall, along with some rib pain.
Today was the first day we walked all the way down to the Bay to see where the ferry comes in from the Gatineau Peninsula, and in the afternoon, we walked up above the Bay to see some of the neighbourhood and sites. Quite the accomplishment. Here I sit, writing about the experience, and Brent is napping! (he must be worn out!)
We hope to be heading out on Monday, but still haven't heard from the adjuster about the bike, which is keeping us here, so we can make shipping arrangements if it needs to go to the BMW dealership for fixing. Either in Quebec City or in Nova Scotia.


  1. Hi Brent,
    If you want I can go & get you guys to Vanier Quebec this weekend. The BMW dealer use to race motorcycle with us, I can trailer your bike to his place it's call Centre de moto Vanier. It would be a pleasure, so don't be shy!

  2. Hi Nance, sorry to hear about the wing. Give us a call when you can.



  3. Hi Nance,

    Just wanted to send you a little 'Get Well Soon' message as I can only imagine how you are feeling right now. I bet you just can't wait to get up and go again.
    Hang in there!! Brent just left and is headed your way. It was great to have him visit... but I said next time he has to bring you!! Anyway, just wanted to wish
    you the best with your shoulder and recovery and to let you know that we are thinking of you.

    Jill and David
